Kids aren't listening. They complain about the smallest amount of schoolwork and/or chores. You start contemplating is it really all worth it. Would they get more out of public school?? You know there are reasons you've chosen this path for your family, but those reasons are hard to think about right now.
I'm thinking I'm going to go sit in my basement and re-read Todd Wilson's books. If you haven't read them. Seriously. They are the best mix of humor and practical applicatioin I've ever seen. I've heard him speak in person and he's just as funny.
Lies Homeschooling Moms Believe, Learning to Live the Truth, the Whole Truth, and Nothing but the Truth
Thanks for the post Amy, I don't know if you saw on FB or not, I started a homeschooling blog... now that we have officially decided to start! I'd love it if you'd follow along and give advice!!